Course curriculum

    1. Hello from UPTIME Consultant

    2. How to use this course

    3. Acoustic Emission - Course Content

    4. Before we start...

    1. What is Acoustic Emission?

    2. The What Lesson

    3. What about the 'Why?'

    1. Why Acoustic Emission?

    2. The Why Lesson

    3. That's Why.. where are the Benefits?

    1. The Payback

    2. Acoustic Emission Benefits

    3. Return on Investment

    1. Reviewing Acoustic Emission

    2. What did you think?

    3. Thank you from me

    1. More resources for you

    2. Parker Holroyd Product Range

    3. Acoustic Emission Completion Certificate

About this course

  • Free
  • 19 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Student Review

Colin Pickett - ISO CAT III Vibration

VCMR Training

Another great introductory course by UPTIME Consultant Academy® If you do not know anything about Acoustic Emission this course will help you understand an underused technology.

Keiichiro Nagaiwa

An important technique for Predictive Maintenance

This course provides insights and an understanding of the goals and knowledge to achieve strategic predictive maintenance management. Acoustic Emission techniques were uncharted territory for me, but I want to learn about the technology and put it into practice at the site. 5 Stars ⭐️

UPTIME Consultant Partners